Alcoholics Anonymous, often referred to as "AA," is an organization dedicated to helping people impacted by the disease of alcoholism, including those who are battling addiction, loved ones and friends who want to help, and/or professionals working to help people recover or deal with someone who is.
While AA is an international organization, local chapters operate to best support individuals and families in communities throughout America. Here in Little Elm, Texas, the Little Elm Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets regularly at Button United Methodist Church. Parking is available around front or in the back of Button Church. AA meetings are held on the southwest side of the church building.
Check the Little Elm Group's calendar to confirm the latest schedule of dates and times for meetings. The church family at Button United Methodist Church prays for those seeking help for themselves or someone they care about deeply. If you or someone you love is struggling with a drinking problem, please seek the resources of AA online or through your local community's chapter.